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Welcome to Durham University Conservative Association
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Panel Discussion: Syriza and the Greek Problem
DUCA co-hosted a panel discussion with the Labour Club and Greens to discuss the recent result of the elections in Greece. The panel was...

Christmas Dinner 2014 with Guest Speaker Rebecca Coulson (PPC)
Rebecca Coulson, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Durham, was the guest speaker at our Christmas 2014 Dinner....

Campaigning with Rebecca Coulson (PPC)
We spent the day delivering residents' surveys for the City of Durham's Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Rebecca...

Cocktails at the Castle with the City of Durham Conservative Association
Some of our members attended the local Conservative Association's 'Cocktails at the Castle' fundraiser. It was a great evening with a...

'Free Education' Debate at the Durham Union Society
Frans spoke on our behalf against the motion that "This House Supports Free Education". He and Konrad gave some very persuasive arguments...

Port and Policy - The 2015 General Election
Our first Port and Policy of the academic year was centred around the 2015 General Election. The evening saw a plentiful supply of free...

Cross-Party Bar Crawl
Our first social of the year saw a cross-party bar crawl with the Durham University Labour Club. Let's hope we can extend the 'boat race'...

Freshers' Fair 2014
Thanks to everyone that signed-up to DUCA at the Freshers' Fair last week - this year saw the largest intake of members yet! We've got...
A message from Nikolai - Michaelmas 2014 President
Congratulations if you've received a place at Durham University! We look forward to meeting you at the Freshers' Fair in October - make...

Easter Garden Party and Exec Elections 2014
On Thursday 6 June we held our annual garden party and executive committee elections. The afternoon consisted of Pimm’s, cakes, ice-cream...
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